Oct 29, 2007

Got Halloween Plans?

Special edition of PVC: An all-characters roster, free candy, and a prize to the audience member with the best costume!

Lubka will be there to drop mad science and tell you why Challoween is for chumps.

Oct 28, 2007

Home Decorating Tip.

Oct 25, 2007


I still haven't made a slideshow. I have to remember her; it is my only comfort.

Frankie, age 3. 1992. East 19th St., Manhattan.

Me and Frankie, 1996. East 10th St.

Oct 14, 2007

Let Alla Pugacheva Change Your Life.

Iceberg (1984) (banned by Soviet tv):

What's It Gonna Be? (2007):

In terms of longevity and popularity, she is Russia's version of a cross between Madonna and Barbra Streisand. But otherwise there is really no comparison, as you can see. Ivan says she is at least the second most powerful person in Russia.

Oct 8, 2007

This Is Just Too Cute.

Until I hijack Hilary's computer to make a slideshow:

Frankie, March 1997 (Age 7), East 10th St., Manhattan.

Hilary! I need to use your iPhoto. (Do you read this, Hilary?)

Oct 4, 2007

Life Of Frankie Part I

You are about to see and hear a LOT of stuff about my dear, from-this-earth-departed life companion, Frankie, who made her final exit one week ago today.

I've thought about that euphemism for dying that I just used above. I actively choose it. I concur with the traditional feeling that "die" is just not right to describe what just happened to someone you loved so deeply, because you know they can't die, if you thought they could die you would have to die too. And "pass away" is just so mamby-pamby.

Frankie was nothing if not a diva. She did not expire or extinguish, she exited, with grace and regal bearing. A legend can never die; you just can't see her anymore except on film. Frankie's up there with Grace Kelly, Marlene Dietrich, Bette Davis. A diva of substance.

She looked great in her black with rhinestones ID collar but unfortunately it's not photographing too well.