Aug 18, 2007

See You On

I have the best taste in music. I am reminded of that constantly.

And I am discovering all sorts of music I had never heard of before, by listening to This is one of the good uses of the Internet. Register (it's easy) and be my friend ("zhevachka") and we can see what each other is listening to and share recommendations. Your listening is guided by your tastes. The snapshot of your tastes gets more refined the more you listen, and you can also refine it more by meshing your profile with your itunes content.

There are wikis about the artists you listen to. Why are wikis getting so damn popular? Because why take the trouble to import official, fact-checked and copyedited bios of artists when you can get some marginally literate stoner shlub to do it for free?

But anyway, the wiki issue aside, you really should do this. If you like music, anyway.

1 comment:

sarahfisch said...

Aight, then. I was intimidated til JUST NOW, but here I goes.