Aug 10, 2005

German Needs Me!

German, I don't really know you. But I know all I need to know. You are very compound word-dependent. Your clunky syllables are my giant, awkward legos. I vill play with you now. Together, we vill build new German words for new German future.

Gesichtverrat: When you run into someone one the street and first you smile, then you remember how you know them and your face for a second betrays your real feelings, before you can think to hide it. [Face Betrayal]

Verdaungpuenktlichkeitsstoerung: You're taking a dump, making dump sounds, the phone rings, you're late for work, the doorbell rings. [Poop Late Crazy]

Nachtarmtot: You wake up in the middle of the night to find you slept on your arm and the entire limb shoulder to fingertip is completely dead, it feels like an inert weight hanging off your body, and you have to swing it around to wake it up but it's so dead it slaps against you and surprises you. [Dead Arm Night Hang]

Mobiltelefonhass: Hatred for your cell phone.

Fremdenmobiltelefonhass: Hatred of other people's cell phones.

Eigenmobiltelefonbegehren: What you love about your cell phone but won't admit.

Wortueberbelastungseffekt: When you stare at a word so long it becomes meaningless. [Word Overload Effect]

Metaschadenfreude: Deriving pleasure from the knowledge that there is a word to describe your feelings of pleasure at others' misfortune.

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