Dear "Amateur Swinger" Who Failed To Spam Bloggystyle.
Just because you succeeded in finding bloggystyle by searching for "wife swap" doesn’t mean I’m going to publish your comment. I’m not into giving amateur swingers free advertising. Frankly, I’m not into giving the pro ones ad space either.
Wait, there is such a thing as a pro swinger?
This all just doesn't make sense.
First of all, swingers have to be multiple. Swinging by definition requires a certain number of personnel, no? Just try and swing all by yourself.
Okay, well, it’s possible, but I think it’s rare.
And professional swinging would require pro swingers and their swingees, presumably also professional, because why would the pros hang with the amateurs? But if you are all pros, swinging together, who is paying you? What is anybody going to hire a bunch of swingers for? Swinging is supposed to be recreational, right? Like tennis?
Don't corrupt it by selling it.
Oh. I forgot. You're not selling it, you're an amateur.
I think amateur in this case must mean "bad."
At any rate, your comment is flabby with redundancy, which gives me a not pretty window into your swinging.
I’m tempted to link to your page. Your grammar and punctuation alone would make my reader(s) lose bladder control.
I'll consider it.
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