Dec 3, 2006

I May Have Lost The Will To Blog.

I need a new template.

I'm at odds with my blog.

My blog and I are in talks.


Talks over.

I can't imagine why I never posted this before. It's been in draft mode for months. Now published for your repugnance. SHUT UP, BLOG, don't tell them how to feel!

I'm cleaning out my drafts folder for you guys, maybe Jeff Mac and maybe some others. That's how much I may have lost the will to blog. Maybe I lost your attention when I disappeared. I don't care, alright?! I was happy to blog in obscurity in draft mode while I figured out a new template and other matters.

So take a gander at Soviet movie star Timofei Spivak:



Stew Ineffectually said...

Wasn't he the lead in the great Soviet love story, "I've Come to Collectivize Your Heart?" It was so much better than his later lightweight romantic comedies like "Sleepless in Siberia" and "When Harry Met Stalin."

Margaret Dodge said...

Sighh, yes, agreed on all points. What a dreamboat. I love the way he's collapsed over that divan. So playful.